
Showing posts from June, 2021


Moon and XXVII Wives Picture Courtesy: Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash The concept of constellations in the Hindu religion is the most important and illustrative concept which explains a lot about other factors.  The Chandra (Moon) has 27 wives [27  Nakshatras (constellations)]. According to Hindu astrology & mythological references, Daksha Prajapati had created these 27 wives of the moon and are called daughters of Kashyap. The famous spiel says that the Moon was much biased towards Rohini (one out of 27 Nakshatras). She was his favorite wife & he spent a lot of time with her. That resulted in ignorance for the rest of them. Daksha Prajapati had lost his calm by this bias & hence cursed the Moon that he will slowly perish & lose all his splendour. Basically, in other words he'll lose the shine and glory that he radiates all the time. Moon got utterly shocked by this because that was the ultimate attribute for him.  Later on, Moon along with his wife ...


 Learn with Naman N Picture Courtesy: Tim Mossholder Here is the list of (MY FAVORITE) Top 25 words that are useful for you to build your vocabulary bank. If you are an enthusiast, IELTS aspirant, Language Nazi or anyone who want to gain knowledge about new words. Read the document fully: 1. AGATHOKAKOLOGICAL pronounced as agatho-ka-ko-logical Meaning : Composed of Good and Bad 2.CONTRAREMOSTRANCE pronounced as contra-remo-strance Meaning : Remonstrance is basically a list of reasons to oppose something. Contraremonstrance is basically remonstrance to remonstrance.            You are opposing something that is opposing a main cause. 3. EPISTEMOPHILIA pronounced as epi-stemo-fee-lia Meaning : an excessive love of knowledge 4. ANTEPENULTIMATE pronounced as anti-pen-ultimate Meaning : third last in series or before last second  5. PANDICULATION pronounced as pandi-kyoo-lay-shun  Meaning : stretching after waking up 6. SUAVE pro...


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Have you ever said these phrases to someone and they've not responded to it.  How should I know? Who cares? Are you serious? To much amazement, these are not even meant to be answered. These types of questions are placed under Rhetorical Questions.   Rhetorical Questions can be defined as, “that's asked merely for effect with no answer expected OR a rhetorical question is a question someone asks without expecting an answer. It's used as a persuasive device.”  Examples of Rhetorical Questions: What was I supposed to do ? Do you think I am inhuman? Who do you think you are?  What do you think of yourself?  Are you kidding? Do you think you're really going to wear that? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Accismus : Accismus, a form of irony in which a person feigns indifference to or pretends to refuse something he or she desires. In other wo...