Learn with Naman N

Picture Courtesy: Tim Mossholder

Here is the list of (MY FAVORITE) Top 25 words that are useful for you to build your vocabulary bank. If you are an enthusiast, IELTS aspirant, Language Nazi or anyone who want to gain knowledge about new words. Read the document fully:

1. AGATHOKAKOLOGICAL pronounced as agatho-ka-ko-logical

Meaning : Composed of Good and Bad

2.CONTRAREMOSTRANCE pronounced as contra-remo-strance

Meaning: Remonstrance is basically a list of reasons to oppose something.

Contraremonstrance is basically remonstrance to remonstrance. 

        You are opposing something that is opposing a main cause.

3. EPISTEMOPHILIA pronounced as epi-stemo-fee-lia

Meaning: an excessive love of knowledge

4. ANTEPENULTIMATE pronounced as anti-pen-ultimate

Meaning: third last in series or before last second 

5. PANDICULATION pronounced as pandi-kyoo-lay-shun 

Meaning: stretching after waking up

6. SUAVE pronounced as swaa-v (small ‘v’ sound)

Meaning: charming and elegant (used for men) 

7. POISE pronounced as po-aise

Meaning: graceful and elegant as a person

8. ATROCIOUS pronounced as uh-troh-shuhs

Meaning: bad, cruel, shocking

9. EUPHONY pronounced as yoo-fuh-nee

Meaning: consonance, agreeability 

10. SHENANIGANS pronounced as shuh-nan-i-guhns

Meaning: deceitful activity, mischief, prankishness 

11. FURTIVE pronounced as fur-tiv

 Meaning: secretive and shy

12. GRIFFONAGE pronounced as grif-yuh-nage

Meaning: bad or poor handwriting 

13. AWRY pronounced as uh-rahy

Meaning: twist and turn 

14. NEMESIS pronounced as nem-uh-sis

Meaning: downfall

15. NEBULOUS pronounced as neb-yuh-luhs

Meaning: vague, confused, unclear 

16. SHARD pronounced as shahrd

Meaning: fragment or broken earthenware 

17. ALBEIT pronounced as awl-bee-it

Meaning: although, even if

18. RACONTEUR pronounced as rak-uhn-tur

Meaning: someone who tells funny or interesting stories 

19. AMELIORATE pronounced as uh-meel-yuh-reyt

Meaning: to make bad situation better 

20. PUERILE pronounced as pyoo-rhil

Meaning: behaving in silly way, immature 

21. PEDANTIC pronounced as pee-dahn-tic

Meaning: giving too much attention to smaller details 

22. TUMULTUOUS pronounced as tyoo-mohl-too-us

Meaning: very loud or full of confusion  

23. OBSEQUIOUS pronounced as ubh-see-kyoo-us

Meaning: to eager to obey or praise someone 

24. AGHAST pronounced as auh-gah-st

Meaning: suddenly filled with shocked and worry

 25. TERPSICHOREAN pronounced as turp-si-kuh-ree-uhn

Meaning: pertaining to dancing 


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