Vocabulary Alert 2.0
1. SCION pronounced as saay-on
Meaning: a descendant of a notable family
2. BLIGHT pronounced as Blaay-it
Meaning: something that spoils or damages something
3. AUSTERE pronounced as ous-steer
Meaning: severe or strict in manner
4. WAMPISH pronounced as vam-pish or wom-pish
Meaning: to wave, fluctuate
5. ALEATORY pronounced as ay-lee-uh-tor-ee
Meaning: depending on uncertain event or random
6. GERMANE pronounced as dzuhr-main
Meaning: relevant to a subject under consideration
7. REMUNERATIVE pronounced as re-myoon-erative
Meaning: financially rewarding and lucrative
8. APROPOS pronounced as ae-pr-po
Meaning: in regards, with reference to, concerning
9. ARID pronounced as ae-rid
Meaning: too dry
10. VILIFY pronounced as vee-li-fahy
Meaning: speak or write about in abusive manner
11. CYNOSURE pronounced as sahy-no-shy-aour
Meaning: person who is centre of attention or admiration
12. EXCOGITATE pronounced as ex-co-gee-tayt
Meaning: to plan or devise, think carefully
13. EQUANIMITY pronounced as ae-kway-nee-mi-tee
Meaning: mental calmness, composure
14. INSIPID pronounced as in-cee-pid
Meaning: lacking flavor, disinterest
15. MOONSHOT pronounced as moon-shot
Meaning: challenging and innovative project
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