Rotten Apple
Rotten is the word which we generally use for the thing which is now unserviceable and of no use due to its own concrete structure of getting rotten by provision of some unavoidable conditions and situations.
It's a universally acceptable and usable word which we can use with perishables, soluble, solids, homogeneous, heterogeneous, sublime etc kinds of things. Also, the fun fact is it can be used for Humans too.
Now, imagine a Rotten Human. It's nasty and yuck. Even Imagination can give you puckish and bad stuff. Getting it real is sore and a problematic matter.
Once at Uncle Sheldon's house there's a sudden visit of anonymous person with basket full of fruits for him. He offered all of them to him without exclaiming anything and just sat on the floor and asked Uncle about his health and wellness questions. Uncle and him were in depth of the conversations about various things of life, health and happiness. He seems to be very happy. As soon as Uncle glanced at Basket he found a Rotten Apple over there. He picked up and asked him why he brought that with the beautiful basket full of Figs, Avocados, Custard Apple, Alphonso and one Rotten Apple.
He explained to Uncle that this Rotten Apple reminds of someone whom he found here at his house years back. He brought that to return that back to his actual place.
Initially, he carried out that Apple with dedication and conviction. He took care of him. He nourished it very evidently that somehow he can turn that Rotten one into Smooth and delicious one. He used the best quality of preservatives, syrups and growth enhancers to make it really good.
But all the efforts he put in turned out to be a waste of time. It began to decay more. It now started making other fruits stink. Rest fruits started facing consequences.
Now the caretaker started realizing the fact that this is his pathetic investment of time and efforts.
Inference drawn made him understand the fact that someone's core can't be changed because that's how it's happening and you're not there when it starts to decay. If the very beginning stages got stopped then this day would never come.
Conclusion: We might come across these Rotten Apples on a daily basis so try not to eat them and even picking them up to see can make your mental peace at discomfort. So, blocking the Rotten stuff and accepting the Blooming one can make you the best of a person.
Additional, How to sight a Rotten Apple
1. May be from outside they behave the same as usual but they're on decaying process
2. They might be bright red but their core is colorless.
3. Rotten Apples are usually pretentious because they too care of validation
4. Acknowledgment is the dragging factor
5. They work selectively and are biased
6. They literally make it worse which are in vicinity to it.
7. Also, they show you their true color when you are ready to bet.
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