Initiating with one great thing about this, write up its plain and effective. It really puts you all in a zone where you can share comfort with yourself. The words are so touching and gracious. Here we are setting up for reading the point of view.  
Family, what does family mean to us? One single word - Everything !
Let's not believe that only blood relatives or In-law's family are family. For me family is whoever I can depend on for support, to laugh with, to play with, and to share the challenges and rewards of life with.”
We've been spending most of our days with our extended family, say friends, teachers, co-workers, mentors, online friends or any other. Yes it is definitely hard to find people who want the best for you without any ulterior motives. However, once you do, you know these people are gonna stay with us no matter what. After all family is where we get All time Support, Sense of Security, Unconditional Love and above all you never feel alone. Wherever you are roaming the entire day, you always have a home to go back to. You would never feel lonely in this world.
Past 1.5 year have been pretty hard for all of us. We left our colleges, schools, and offices but guess what's the silver lining? We are spending time with our family. We never thought we would ever get to spend this long time with our family. We can curb all the negativity around us just by spending time with family. These are just the hurdles along the way,  But remember, that overcoming these hurdles together will only strengthen our ties. After all, at the end of the day, the true meaning and definition of family lies in how much you care for one another.
This international day of families let's try to express gratitude for our family, after all they have been with us through all the thick and thin. They have taken the best possible care of you since Day 1. They gave everything beyond their ability to us.
“The love of a family is Life's greatest blessing.” this might be cliche but definitely not an exaggeration!
Pranjal Sethi


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